Game skinner knives are a specific type
of knife for hunters who need to skin and score
their game animals, small or big, such as fish,
deer, during hunting. Including skinning
knives, designed to aid in the removal of the skin
of big game animals. They tend to have highly
sweeping blades that are designed to effortlessly
separate the flesh from skin. A dedicated skinning
knife can be a real time saver for those big game
hunters that do the butchering themselves.
Many of the hunting knives you will see will come
with a gut hook. The gut hook is used by making a
small incision with the main blade, then by using
the hook to cut open the abdomen. The hook prevents
the hunter from "paunching" the animal and possibly
affecting the quality of the meat. They do work, it
is a strictly a personal preference as to the need
for one.
Choose from our selection of sharp field care
knives, skinning knives and deer scoring kits with
corrosion resistance and durability for exceptional
all-around performance.